With the early part of March, Unsampled reports were deprecated. All queries above 1 million sessions will now be subject to sampling.
This function is no longer supported either inside or outside the EEA. It is no longer found in the Google Analytics 360 UI and can no longer be used via the API.
ℹ If you have not yet saved Google Analytics Universal data and do not have BigQuery, to ensure that you get 100% of the data without the unsampled reports, you will need to perform a series of daily (or short interval) extractions using standard methods.
💌👇 Let me tell you an anecdote:
As an Analytics Specialist almost 10 years ago, I needed to automate complex reports based on 100% data. At that time I learned about the existence of Google Apps Script to create add-ons.
Thus was born the add-on for Google Sheets that I called GA360 Unsampled. Today it stopped working, after trying to start it, instead of “Report completed” a generic error message appears. The API doesn’t work anymore.

I thank it 2 times.
1️⃣ The first is for the time it saved me by automating manual and repetitive tasks.
2️⃣ The second is because without the knowledge learned from developing the Google API, *** GA4 Magic Reports *** would not exist today!
👉 GA4 Magic Reports: https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/ga4_magic_reports/6532356327?hl=en
💥 I will release a really useful add-on update soon. Follow me! 💥
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